Dra. Ana Matos Pires

Member no. 32364 of the Ordem dos Médicos (Portuguese Medical Association)

Specialist in Psychiatry

Professional Experience

  • Senior Hospital Assistant at Unidade Local de Saúde do Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA);
  • Director of the Psychiatry Service at ULSBA;
  • President of the Ethics Committee at ULSBA;
  • Lecturer in the Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine at Universidade do Algarve;
  • Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC), NOVA Medical School (NMS);
  • Regional Coordinator of Mental Health at ARS Alentejo;
  • Advisor to the National Mental Health Program;
  • Member of the National Mental Health Council;
  • Member of the Medical Council (OM) Commission for the preparation of the "New Medical Careers Report";
  • Member of the Board of the College of Psychiatry of the Medical Council.

Academic Curriculum

  • Graduated in Medicine from Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto (Course 1982/1988);
  • Completed General Internship at Hospital Egas Moniz, Lisbon, from January 1, 1989, to July 31, 1990. The extension until December was done at the same hospital;
  • In October 1990, passed the Entrance Examination for the Complementary Internship, which began in January 1991 at Hospital Santa Maria (HSM);
  • Passed the Final Evaluation Exam for the Complementary Internship in Psychiatry and received the Single Qualification by the Medical Council in July 1995;
  • In April 2005, applied for the Consultant Degree Qualification Exam and successfully completed the public examinations in January 2013, obtaining the Consultant Degree in Psychiatry;
  • In April 2016, completed public examinations and has been a Senior Graduate Hospital Assistant in Psychiatry since then.

Clinical Functions in Psychiatry

  • Completed the Complementary Internship in Psychiatry at the Psychiatry Service of Hospital de Santa Maria, exclusively from January 1991 to July 1995 (Internship completion delayed by six months due to maternity leave);
  • During the Internship, engaged in clinical activities in Inpatient, General Psychiatry Consultation, Emergency, and Liaison Psychiatry. Additionally, worked in Gerontopsychiatry Consultation, Suicide Studies Group, Risk Drinking Studies Group, Drug Addiction and AIDS Intervention Group, Family Therapy Unit, and Research Unit. Participated in Sleep Studies in Psychiatry within Team 4C;
  • Completed a Pedopsychiatry Internship in 1993 at the Department of Pedopsychiatry of Hospital de Dona Estefânia and a Neurology Internship in 1994 at the Neurology Service of Hospital de Santa Maria;
  • From July 1995 to January 1997, served as a Temporary Assistant in Psychiatry at HSM. In July 1997, signed a Service Provision Contract with the same hospital;
  • Promoted to Hospital Assistant in Psychiatry at Hospital de Santa Maria in March 2001, where remained until 2010;
  • From September 2010 to October 2013, under an open-ended Individual Work Contract, worked at Centro Hospitalar do Barlavento Algarvio/Centro Hospitalar do Algarve, serving as a Hospital Assistant and, from January 2013, as a Senior Hospital Assistant in Psychiatry at Hospital de Portimão;
  • Since November 2013, has held an open-ended Individual Work Contract in the Psychiatry Service of Unidade Local de Saúde do Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA), currently as a Senior Graduate Hospital Assistant;
  • Since October 2014, Director of the Psychiatry Service at ULSBA;
  • Began private practice in 1995 after completing the Complementary Internship in Psychiatry. Since 2008, Psychiatrist and Scientific Consultant at NeuroCog, Center for Brain Injury Rehabilitation;
  • Since 2010, collaborates with the Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima (APAV), providing clinical support to women in the shelters of this institution, extending this activity to the Beja Victim Support Center since 2013. Collaborated with Casa dos Marcos of the Associação Raríssimas from its opening in 2013 until the end of 2014, by invitation from Prof. Dr. Helena Canhão, the first clinical director of the institution;
  • Continuously engaged in clinical activities in Emergency Teams since starting the General Internship;
  • Has consistently provided specialized support to clinical practice in Primary Health Care, both clinically and educationally, since beginning training as a psychiatry intern. From 2014 onwards, this support has extended to Public Health.

Training Activities

  • Conducts training activities for medical interns and other medical education and training programs since the beginning of the Complementary Internship, and more frequently as a specialist. Maintains constant updates through frequent participation in training courses;
  • Throughout her professional career, has continued to collaborate and produce scientific and clinical works, with dozens of published works and hundreds of presentations at national and international meetings and organizations.

Teaching and Research Activity

  • Completed the coursework for the Master's in Psychiatry at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa between 1995 and 1997;
  • Defended her Master's Dissertation in September 2000 (submitted in December 1999) titled "Sleep and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Comparative Study," and obtained the degree of "Master.";
  • Designated Assistant Professor at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa (FML) in April 1997, upon proposal by Prof. Doutor Simões da Fonseca and ratification by the Scientific Council. Taught practical classes in Psychopathology and Psychiatry II and participated in examination juries for both subjects. Collaborated with the Multidisciplinary Center for Psychology and Psychiatry until 2008. Joined the faculty of the Master's in Deviant Behavior and Criminal Sciences in 2003. Contributed to the Master's in Psychogerontology in 2005;
  • Participated in pre- and post-graduate medical education in Psychiatry at HSM and FML, supporting and teaching interns in Psychiatry, Neurology, and General Medicine, as well as medical and psychology students, and participating in postgraduate courses;
  • Began teaching in the Clinical Psychology Course at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde – Sul (ISCS-Sul) in Lisbon in 1995, continuing until 2004. Initially served as an Invited Assistant in Psychophysiology I and II, taking on the role of course director in 2000. Became an Assistant Professor of Gerontopsychology in 1998 and of Research Seminars in Clinical Psychology I and II in 2002;
  • Held positions on the Scientific and Pedagogical Councils, served as Pedagogical Coordinator for the 4th Year of the Clinical Psychology Course, and coordinated Clinical Internships. Coordinated the 1st Postgraduate Course in Psychophysiology: Processes, Applications, and Clinics (2002). Served as a jury member for twenty-six final course monographs and supervised thirteen. Supervised ten clinical internships and served as a jury member for the defense of fifteen internship reports. Contributed to the curricular review of the Clinical Psychology Course approved by the Ministry of Education in 2001 and to the development of the curriculum for the Criminal Psychology Course approved by the Ministry of Education in 2004;
    Was included in the Faculty Proposal submitted by ISCS-Sul in its application process to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Medicine.
  • Served as Adjunct Professor of Speech Neurophysiology (Speech Therapy Course) and Psychophysiology I and II (Physiotherapy Course) at Escola Superior de Saúde Egas Moniz during the 2003/2004 academic year. Responsible for developing the curricula for the courses in Speech Neurophysiology, Hearing Neurophysiology, Vision Neurophysiology I and II, and Psychophysiology I and II, which were part of the pedagogical approval proposal by the Ministry of Education, achieved in 2000;
  • Taught at Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes (ISMAT) of Universidade Lusófona in Portimão. Collaborated in the Psychology Course seminars during the 2012/2013 academic year and was responsible for the Psychopharmacology module in the Postgraduate Course in Clinical and Health Psychology during the 2013/2014 academic year;
  • Since the 2010/2011 academic year, has been a lecturer in the Integrated Master's Degree in Medicine at Universidade do Algarve (UnAlg) in the area of Mental Health and Psychiatry.

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